Whiteboard animation: Indigenous Brigades (OPAN)

The indigenous brigades know that managing the use of fire is important to prevent large fires. And they understand like no one else the destructive potential of uncontrolled fires. Therefore, they have developed several prevention techniques.

In order to present the role of indigenous brigades in environmental conservation, Operação Amazônia Nativa (Operation Native Amazon – OPAN) hired Forest to produce a whiteboard animation. This animation style is based on the production of illustrations and texts, accompanied by a hand that draws and a narration that informs.

The video was produced for the project “Territorial protection and recovery of ecosystems affected by forest fires in the Legal Amazon,” which had just completed one year of funding from Global Wildlife Conservation, an international organisation dedicated to the protection of biodiversity around the world. The project supports 69 brigadiers (52 Indigenous) working in 3 regions in the Northeast and Northwest of Mato Grosso and in the South of Amazonas, covering eight Indigenous Lands and one National Park.

The communication demand came in the midst of several news about forest fires in Brazil, to show the role of Indigenous people in fire control, territorial protection and the recovery of affected ecosystems. The main message, presented in the animation script, is that the brigades are essential to protect the Cerrado and the Amazon.


Operation Native Amazon (OPAN)


Thiago Foresti

Executive Producer

Amanda Fernandes

Producer/Client Relationship Manager

Manuela Costa

Animation and motion design

Daniel Sena


José de Deus
